Thursday, 11 February 2010

Have you ever wondered what it is living in a world that is a parody of virtue existence, where 'fair is foul and foul is fair'? In this era of deceit, despair and despondency, we are mindless morons handicapped by machines and crippled by greedy materialism. On one hand people offer hypocritical prayers for salvation and on the other they slyly enjoy the monetary pleasures, unconsciously inheriting the very vice they preach as 'sin'. At the core we are a selfish and rotten tribe , corrupted and defiled , the true begotten sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, blaming and accusing each other. This is the blatant truth. It is almost hilarious that not some centuries ago priests sold 'salvation' in exchange of money; and today too a simple forty five minutes of meditation promises to cleanse us of all misdeeds! Like magicians and conjurers they make us believe that illusion is the reality. Philosophy and morals in theory appease tender hearts, none of us follow it but we swear by every word. Now at kitty parties and high tea people come and go talking not about Michaelangelo but spirituality and morality. Ironically though, traditionalism is passe. Life is so convoluted that we can no longer judge the right and the wrong and the night is as bright as the day. That is why when the mind seeks some respite and we introspect we find ourselves meandering in the wilderness of moral discrepancies.

1 comment:

TAIJASA said...

Jst passed by a green bycycle..

Stopped by..seeing another me..!!

I am another taijasa! A-tainetd may be...
Thot I shud say a Hi!


Now ..I have to submit the NOC of the 'ferrari I sold recently"...

Take care...
carry on ....
Really nice........